Small, medium and large municipalities alike know the importance of revenue collection and all the aspects relating to it:
- Optimised and Verified Meter Reading (Water & Electricity)
- Expedited Billing Processes
- Expedited Fault / Lock Reporting & Resolution
Magna strives to provide the answers to these challenges with our Meter Reading Suite of products which provides the following functionality out-of-the box:
Meter Management Software (MRS+):
- Route management
- Meter Reader management
- Customisable interfacing with Municipal Billing Systems
- Customisable Interfacing with Municipal GIS Systems
- Route assignment to Meter Reading Devices
- Audit Reporting
- Fault Reporting
- Management Reporting
Meter Reading Application (MR+):
- Customisation of Meter Reading Software (MR+) to any Windows Mobile device
- Automation and validation of meter readings
- Logging of geographic coordinates of meters (GPS)
- Directions to meters with the device’s GPS
- Taking of photographs to verify meter readings
- Fault reporting with photographs and geographic coordinates
- Uploading of processed meters via Wi-Fi or docking station
The benefits of utilising Magna’s Meter Reading Suite of products apply equally from small to medium and large municipalities – the solution can be scaled down to the smallest municipality or up to the largest. Our Meter Reading Suite is cost effective and will assist you in improving your customer service and revenue collection without increasing your staff requirement.