Identifying the optimal pit to port solution is critical to increasing productivity and eliminating waste over the life time of the project. Magna has a full pit to port solution including preliminary and definitive feasibility studies, concept design, project management and delivery.
The Magna pit to port specialists analyse a range of feasible project solutions and selects the solution that adds the most value to the project. Magna pit to port specialists have extensive knowledge in:
- Bulk material logistics & supply chain optimisation
- Simulation modelling
- Lifecycle cost analysis
- Regulatory risk and approval management
- Pit to Port route selection
- Operations automation
- Best of breed equipment suppliers
- Construction estimating database
- Commissioning & construction supply chain
Magna also has extensive experience in operation optimisation which is focused on efficiency improvements, waste reduction and facility upgrade projects.
Magna takes on pit to port projects as a Logistics Project Management Contractor or an Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management service provider to project logistics. We also form an integrated project management process with other consultants and the customer.