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Education is the key to unlock the potential of not only individuals, but also for a whole generation. Magna supports the aims of governments to provide world-class education to its citizens, and ventured to provide a solution to assist education departments to successfully conduct examinations.

Magna developed a system for national examinations and can be customised for any country. The system is also a modular design, making the customisation very cost effective.

The system is designed to capture schools or examination centre details in a customisable hierarchy, and to capture all scholar details for examination candidates. This includes the subjects for each candidate.

To have a successful examination, the examination materials (i.e. question papers, answer sheets and attendance registers) are vital, and the system manages all these items on behalf of the user. This includes the marks capturing sheets, using examination numbers only to ensure the privacy of each candidate.

After the examination the system is designed to handle the data capturing demands for millions of marks for all the candidates to enable the calculation of final results. Many education system throughout the world standardises, moderates or do both to marks to ensure consistency in the examinations across years. The system allows for these processes, and contains a graphic tool to allow a panel of educators to standardise the marks.

Not all subjects are resulted the same way; the examination system can collate the marks, calculate the percentages and produce the necessary statements of result for each candidate.

Throughout the examination process the data integrity and security is of utmost importance. The system has a built-in audit trail to ensure that all transactions are logged and all changes recorded identifying the user that made the changes. Security is catered for per function, where each user can have individual viewing or updating rights per function.